Sunday, 15 August 2010

Spiral Stair down!

Oh dear! Have had to dismantle Spiral Stair because I 'forgot' to get permission to use the space. It really didn't cross my mind, having never used a space outside designated exhibition space in the college before. I liked the idea of pitching up and seeing what would happen.
It goes against the idea of spontaneously responding to a space (as I first mentioned when I started working with the masking tape), but what an idiot I am. Did I really think I would get away with gorilla-style antics within the college? Idiot.
Hopefully all will be well, as I will attempt to reinstall the installation before the opening, and in a way that won't kill anybody.
I have realised how blind I was to the fact that somebody might need to cling onto the handrail for support. Tis difficult to work in a functional space, especially when it is on a fire exit route...
next time I will be extra careful to get the information and permission I need to work in a communal/transitory space.

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