Wednesday 21 July 2010

Photography Stairwell

This image (above) shows a site-specific installation that I started around the 14th June. I wanted to created something quite spontaniously without my usual months planning, and use materials that were to hand. So I used lengths of masking tape stretched across the well between the banisters in the photography stairs in ECA. It reminded me of my previous stairwell project that I made for my project space last December, but I felt no connection to the materiality of the masking tape, as I did when I was using the foil and mirror in my project space, as it was there quite specifically to create a certain effect. The only thing that I liked about what was happening was that the stips of tape started making a curve in the well that would never have been visible without something forming it out of the air. I was making something that was previously unknown and invisible, visible. I didn't complete the installation as I wasn't convinced that I was getting across what I wanted to about the experience of being in the space, but thought I could come back to it again after trying something else first...

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