Saturday, 24 July 2010

MA exhibition title etc

The four of us, Diane, Lindsey, Siân and I, have had many meeting to discuss how we would go about creating a 'wavelength' between our work so there would be some sort of coherency when it comes to the final show. We decided straight off that we were not going to fabricate some sort of contrived link between ourselves, because we all agreed that this was dishonest and would change how we would work and affect our final works. Instead we've been concentrating on coming up with an exhibition title and collective statement that would give the viewer a good idea of our mind-set with regards to how we make and see how work. We were agreed that there is a playful element in our different pratices and that we weren't trying to make some profound statement in the world, but instead we are pointing at the world and coming up with reinterpretations to challenge how we and other people see things.

So firstly, we came up with the title, 'Only the fool looks at the hand when it points to the sky', as this is quite funny and gets across the idea of pointing. Also it is in 'Amelie', a film we all like! But unfortunatley we decided it was too long...

Another meeting and we come up with 'Just to Say'... We liked the implied suggestion of something to follow...

Talked about how we would use posters, catalogues, facebook, postcards etc. and decided we needed bold imagery like the 'Keep calm and carry on' logos, but we also wanted to do something slightly different when it came to distrubution posters, so we came up with the idea of making an ink stamp with the logo 'Just to Say' and stamping it on post-it notes and sticking them everywhere. For the posters, Diane took the scanned image of the resulting stamp and altered the colours to make variations, all in striking combinations!

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