Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Feedback from semester 2

I might as well start from the beginning...

After meeting with Dean, Gordon and Kristin, for my feedback from the second semester on the 7th June, I attempted to write a brief statement about what had been discussed and so it became clear that the most crucial aspect of my work that I was struggling with was whether or not to create wholly immersive work, or sculptural objects that could be looked into. Examples of these two types of work from this year are 'The Stairwell' and the work I made for 'The New Contemporaries' at the RSA (see above).

The idea of immersing the viewer has attracted me since 2006 when I attempted to paint spaces that would draw the viewer in. I then moved onto making 3D spaces and photographing already existing spaces that appealed to me.

My struggle with object making, image making and space making has been going on for a while, and I always hoped I could continue working in these varied ways until I suddenly had an epiphany...

This still hasn't happened so I decided to review my practice as a whole and try and decide on the apsects that need to be resolved, and also the apects that I still wanted to pursue as I suddenly felt there were so many components in the mix that I was getting confused... more follows...

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